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The gov module is responsible for the basic functionalities of governance for the IDEP Network.

Available Commands

voteThe vote command allows you to submit a vote for the given governance proposal.
votesThe votes command queries votes on a proposal.
proposalThe proposal command queries the details of a single proposal
proposalsThe proposals command queries proposals with specified filters.
proposerThe proposer command allows users to query the proposer for a given proposal.
tallyThe tally command allows users to query the tally of a given proposal vote.
submit-proposalThe submit-proposal allows users to submit a governance proposal and to optionally include an initial deposit.
depositThe deposit command allows users to deposit tokens for a given proposal.


iond tx gov vote [proposal-id]

iond tx gov vote


iond tx gov vote <proposal-id> <option> --from=<idep1...> --fees=<ammount>

iond query gov votes

iond query gov votes [proposal-id] [flags]

iond query gov proposal

iond query gov proposal [proposal-id] [flags]

iond query gov proposals

iond query gov proposals [flags]


--depositorAddressFilter proposals by depositor address.
--limituintLimit to the latest [number] of proposals. Default to all proposals.
--statusstringFilter proposals by status.
--voterAddressFilter proposals by voter address.

iond query gov proposer

iond query gov proposer [proposal-id] [flags]

iond query gov tally

iond query gov tally [proposal-id] [flags]

iond tx gov submit-proposal

The submit-proposal command allows users to submit a governance proposal and to optionally include an initial deposit. Proposal title, description, type and deposit can be given directly or through a proposal JSON file. Available Commands: community-pool-spend, param-change, software-upgrade, cancel-software-upgrade.

iond tx gov submit-proposal [command] [flags]


iond tx gov submit-proposal --title="Community Pool Spend" --description="Pool for new project" --type="Text" --deposit="9001udep" --from idep1..

Example 2:

iond tx gov submit-proposal community-pool-spend <path/to/proposal.json> --from=<key_or_address>


"title": "Community Pool Spend",
"description": "Pool for new project",
"recipient": "idep1jg3j2daytay2qgf6d3aftdxjwqzhe655z485c2",
"amount": "9001idep",
"deposit": "9001idep"

Example 3:
Cancel a software upgrade along with an initial deposit.

iond tx gov submit-proposal cancel-software-upgrade [flags]


--depositCoinYesDeposit of the proposal.
--titlestringYesTitle of proposal.
--depositstringYesDescription of proposal.

iond tx gov deposit

iond tx gov deposit [proposal-id] [deposit] [flags]