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Interacting with on-chain contract


First you need to create the init message. You can either create json file with text editor, or do it directly in a terminal, like this:


Now we can instantiate the contract:

iond tx wasm instantiate $CODE_ID "$INIT" --from wallet1 --label "test contract deployment" $TXFLAGS -y

Get deployed contracts address and save it:

iond query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID --output json
CONTRACT=$(iond query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID --output json | jq -r '.contracts[-1]')

Now, some query operations:

iond query wasm contract $CONTRACT
iond query bank balances $CONTRACT

# dump whole contract state
iond query wasm contract-state all $CONTRACT

# Keys are in hex format whilevalue is in base64.
# To view returnted data:
# (Though in certain cases the binary returneed is not ascii, hence thee encoding)
iond query wasm contract-state all $CONTRACT --output "json" | jq -r '.models[0].key' | xxd -r -ps
iond query wasm contract-state all $CONTRACT --output "json" | jq -r '.models[0].value' | base64 -d

# or try a "smart query", executing against the contract
iond query wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT '{}'
# (since we didn't implement any valid QueryMsg, we just get a parse error back)

Once contract instance is created, we can register a name and transfer it, paying the price:

# in case the e person is incorrect the execute will fail
iond tx wasm execute $CONTRACT "$REGISTER" \
--amount 100idep \
--from wallet $TXFLAGS -y

# query name
NAME_QUERY='{"resolve_record": {"name": "fred"}}'
iond query wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT "$NAME_QUERY" --output json
# {"data":{"address":"idep1awadyj4c5xrhaqsmk36yr9dgt2z57wcedf5s39"}}

# purchase and then transfer the name record to wallet2 (change the "to" address to wallet2's address which was generated in previous steps)
iond tx wasm execute $CONTRACT "$TRANSFER" \
--amount 999idep \
--from wallet $TXFLAGS -y

Check contract's new owner:

NAME_QUERY='{"resolve_record": {"name": "fred"}}'
iond query wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT "$NAME_QUERY" --output json
# {"data":{"address":"idep1t4drw35er7lwlkyje3gwsnwehgwqaj77kl6mpc"}}