Joining IDEP's Public Testnet Denali
Quick rundown
Make sure you have completed the installation successfully.
Initialize your node with your moniker
Copy the genesis file from the IDEP repo and place it in the nodes config directory
Start the node
iond init <moniker> --chain-id Test-Denali
iond keys add <accountname>
mv genesis.json ~/ion/config/
iond start --p2p.persistent_peers=95a7b71ab6ad8fad5f1ed3b49472683adea92cf1@,dc07da4be6ff285a1be2e9501fa92efef248d025@
Once the Full Node is up and running. Please share your IDEP address with the IDEP team. We will fund your address.
You can @ or DM denny007#3282 on Discord.
To get your Public Address
iond keys list
To get the Validator-pub-key
iond tendermint show-validator
Command to create a Validator
iond tx staking create-validator --amount <amount> --from <from-address> --pubkey <validator-pub-key> --commission-rate 0.01 --commission-max-rate 0.05 --commission-max-change-rate 0.005 --min-self-delegation 1 --chain-id Test-Denali
Example of a command to create a Validator
iond tx staking create-validator --amount 15000000000000idep --from idep1d2nqcwf9zz9fx7xlesyt0gc3utfxe2mk6nfwey --pubkey idepvalconspub1zcjduepqztw5yzm5wj0yc600aaemxlmda5488jv9hycxfnta3w7vz9jgpawqc9qnhs --commission-rate 0.01 --commission-max-rate 0.05 --commission-max-change-rate 0.005 --min-self-delegation 1 --chain-id Test-Denali